Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 12 Hmong in Wisconsin

http://www.hmong.org/page33444533.aspx I found this link which shows the number of Hmong living in each city of Wisconsin and i would have never guessed that their population was so big as a whole in the state. This link also allows you to check the Hmong population in other states. The city with the largest hmong population is the city of Milwaukee housing 10, 245 Hmongs. the city with the lowest population is Germantown village with 61 Hmongs. http://www.hmongcontemporaryissues.com/HistoireCultureLanguage/HistoryTimelineHmong.html This link shows the Hmong in America timeline. The information from the timeline that closely relates to the material discussed this week is in 1975-1980: Arrival of the Hmong first families in Hawaii, Oregon, Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin and California. This is shocking that the population in Wisconsin have grew from 0 to 39,596 Hmongs over the last 33-38 years. When i see Wisconsin Hmong memebers it makes me curious as to the rest of the world. http://www.migrationinformation.org/usfocus/display.cfm?ID=281 This link include great info on the migration of Hmongs from Thailand and Loas to the United States.

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