Monday, April 8, 2013

week 8:Faces of the Enemy

This weeks reading focus on the parallels between the Japaneses War, Arab/Muslim War and World War, i could not help but the of the current situation, which is north korea making threats towards America to attack us with nuclear weapons. This article gives a great summary of what is going on.

The parallels between the wars is how we have targeted everyday citizens that are Asian, Muslim with racial slurs and unfair assumptions that they secretly hate Americans. When Americans see Arab/Muslims out and about they treat them like a criminal, they are watched at the airports and taunted at the gas stations. When Americans get the picture that one person is bad them we tend to target a whole ethnic group with our racial/prejudice insecurities. The current situation with North Korea threats to nuke American leaves many Asian Americans a walking target for who knows what. Why must we place blame on an entire ethnic group and not the individuals who committed the offense? 
War is looked down up on when we see it happening in other countries, yet America always finds it way to to war to" fight the enemy". What makes the enemy the enemy? is it because our government told us so? Is it because those in power wants us to attack those we believe is the enemy? We don't know, yet Millions of Americans fight in a war against the enemy that the government told them was the enemy. The enemy has been constructed way before we knew it was the enemy and i believe it is this way so that every minority can be turned against each other and look at those in power as the rescuers/problem solvers. The videos i have included i find them interesting because it introduces the concept that the enemy may not be who we think the enemy is.

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